Saturday, July 31, 2010

Illustration Friday-- Artificial

After the incident with the plastic mushrooms,
Chef Shiitake decided never to use artificial ingredients in his signature soups again.

Friday, July 23, 2010

Illustration Friday-- Double (as in Trouble!)

When the man-of my -dreams and I got married, we decided to wait a while to have children, but we immediately adopted two Samoyeds (seemingly moments after the wedding).  It wasn't long before we realized what we were in for.  According to breed characteristics, Samoyeds are prone to run (they are sled dogs, after all) bark a lot, have separation anxiety and are-- get this-- destructive.   

Cody and Malachi proved themselves to be true Samoyeds in every way, especially the destructive part.  They got into the kitchen cabinets, so we put baby locks on them.  They broke the baby locks and chewed up cans.  Malachi finally got crated after we sold our house and he tore up the dishwasher.

Cody and Mal have both gone on to romp in the daisies, but not until after 16 years of good times.  We miss them dreadfully.

Sunday, July 18, 2010


Every once in a while I go narcissurfing to check up on my designs-- whether or not they came out yet, or if they are still on the market.  Here's a new one I hadn't seen yet that I found yesterday!  You may recognize it from the link on my last post-- so carry on with the breakfast theme!!  (Although I'd really like to do a repeat pattern of bacon, eggs and pancakes-- how cute that could be!)

I still have a case of hermititis. (Although now I have one son home, queue up the Harry Potter movies!) I really am almost  finished-- it's another alphabet for a cross-stitch kit-- I just love Design Works!

Friday, July 16, 2010

Illustration Friday-- Breakfast

Ooooo.... I love this prompt!  I could have heaps of fun with it, but I am in the midst of something a client is expecting, and my family has gone on a "guys expedition" leaving me to finish it in peace. (My default is set at  "hermit", so I love that!)

Soooo...  I thought I'd share with you a series of breakfast patterns.

These coordinate with a design I have previously posted (and my blog-- it's called illustrative recycling, no?  ;)  And here's one more, which actually belongs to another series, but doesn't look half bad with this one:

Back to work for me!  Queue up the Law and Order reruns!

Friday, July 9, 2010

Illustration Friday-- Diary

Dear Diary,
The Islands are AMAZING!  Who would have ever dreamed a vacation like this could even be possible?  I'm so out of my element!  With all this relaxation, I just might melt!

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Illustration Friday-- Giant

As the youngest of nine children, Irwin never really minded the hand-me-downs.  He always had a sneaking suspicion that he was Mom's favorite.